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От имени Чепецкого механического завода в адрес предприятий и организаций стали приходить поддельные документы (срочные уведомления, заявки на аукционы и т.п.).

Неизвестные лица рассылают фиктивные заявки о проведении аукционов (например, на право заключения договора поставки нержавеющего металлопроката для нужд АО ЧМЗ). При этом, мошенники используют подложные бланки, несуществующую печать АО ЧМЗ, ставят поддельные подписи действующих сотрудников коммерческой службы, а также подписываются сотрудниками вымышленных отделов (например, отдел закупок срочных аукционов АО ЧМЗ).

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Убедительно просим проверять поступающую документацию, якобы направленную от имени АО ЧМЗ. Для проверки информации необходимо связываться с официальными коммерческими службами Чепецкого механического завода по тел. (341-41) 9-64-22.
Пример поддельного документа

Personnel search and selection

The principle school – university - enterprise is laid into the basis for organizing the selection and placement of personnel, according to which a series of five interlinked target programs were developed and implemented:

The implementation of programs mentioned allows controlling the main stages of recruiting and placement of personnel starting from forecast of the demand and identification of the sources of recruitment up to the formation of a personnel reserve of the company.

As applied to the regional situation, and taking into account the traditions of the enterprise, the scarcity and the uniqueness of many professions, the need for providing the continuity of technological changes stimulates the implementation of an active personnel policy aimed at formation of its own personnel based on the increase of their professionalism supported by tradition of discipline, and responsibility. The basis of this policy is adapting, training, retraining, and improving of professional skills and, as a result, a personnel growth of the employee in the enterprise.

Personnel planning and determination of the sources of recruitment

The basis for long-term planning is the forecast of the need for personnel, based on regular analysis of the age structure of the staff, the professional level of specialists, and study of staff turnover. Operational planning is carried out annually on the basis of applications of structural divisions.

Sources of recruitment on a contractual basis are traditionally:

  • for regular labor force: Budgetary educational institution of secondary professional education of Udmurt Republic "Glazovsky Technical College." About 80% of workers, accepted for employment at the enterprise, are graduates of the College. Annually more than 150 students pass paid internship at the plant.
  • for human resources of specialists: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Technological University "MISIS", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov".
  • for expert personnel: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin", Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Technological University "MISiS", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov ".

In the absence of postgraduate work assignment system of graduates of institutions of higher professional education and sharp decline in the inflow of nonresident young specialists a decision on the organization of object-oriented work with graduates of town schools was made in 1996. In pursuance of this decision the target APPLICANT program has been developed. Its goal is to establish promising sources of staffing in the basic institutions of higher education.

The program comprises:

  • annual forecast of demand for young specialists;
  • occupational guidance work at schools;
  • carrying out professional orientation testing with the purpose of selection of candidates for training;
  • forwarding of the recommendation lists of applicants to Admission committees of Higher Schools;
  • routing by target intake into institutions of Higher Vocational Education;
  • formation of informational "Candidates" bank of data.

A Database of promising recruitment of students – citizens of Glazov, obtaining a higher professional education in factory-specific profile is formed.

Selection of the staff

The continuation of the Applicant program is the target CANDIDATES program, which defines the order of work with students. The aim of the program is the selection of candidates for practical training from students of senior courses and selection of young specialists from the students of the third-sixths courses.

The program comprises:

  • control of students' pass-rate;
  • selection of students for traineeship;
  • organization of traineeship as a form of pre-adaptation and assessment of its results;
  • selection of young specialists from among graduates of institutions of Higher Vocational Education.

Information about the graduates employed constitutes the basis for the Young specialist target program.

Personnel Adaptation

The YOUNG SPECIALIST target program is prepared and implemented to ensure the successful adaptation of young specialists at the company.

The program comprises:

  • monitoring of the implementation of the plan of on-the-job training and conducting the interviews with young specialists on the results of the first and second year of work at the enterprise;
  • certification of young specialists on the results of three years of work at the enterprise. The procedure involves the determination of the degree of job conformity, assessment of management potential and the selection of candidates into the perspective personnel reserve on this basis.

The aim of of-the-job training of young specialists is to acquire the necessary practical and organizational skills to perform the duties according to their post held, and to define the degree of compliance to the post held.

Attestation for compliance to the post held

The target program ATTESTATION was developed and implemented for the assessment of the official compliance of employees. The purpose of the program is the informational support of work of attestation commissions.

The program comprises:

  • formation of expert groups and development of the tasks for estimation;
  • carrying out assessment of employees and calculation of indicators of compliance with the post held in automatic mode;
  • preparation of draft assessment sheets and characteristics;
  • fixing up the projects with the direct supervisor of the person being assessed and transfer of these documents to the Attestation Commission;
  • creation of "Manager" and "Specialist" databanks;
  • generation of the plan of preparation and training of employees enrolled in the reserve.

Personnel reserve

The PERSONNEL RESERVE program defines the order of staffing of the reserve on post for the nomenclature of the Director General and Deputy Director General - Director for personnel management and includes:

  • selection of potential candidates;
  • order of preparation of the project of the reserve composition;
  • approval of the reserve composition;
  • organization and supervision of the course of reserve preparation.

Career management

Basic principles of career management technology:

  • definition of the goals of the career. The key management functions are defined based on structure of company management, i.e.: economy and finance, manufacturing, engineering and technology, etc. and the appropriate key posts;
  • definition of career routes: the optimal scheme of job promotion is developed for each key function and post, as the key manager shall have experience of working in different departments of the company;
  • definition of requirements to the candidates;
  • selection of candidates from the "Promising reserve" database;
  • arrangement of comprehensive training, including through rotation of posts within the optimum scheme of job promotion.