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Пример поддельного документа

Personnel policy

Basic principles of work of the personnel management service

  • People are the main resource and the key to success of the company is to manage them effectively.
  • Policy and procedures in the field of human resources are closely related to the goals and strategic plans of the company and make an important contribution to their achievement.
  • The significance of human resources is one of the core values of the company culture.

The main directions of human resources strategy

Personnel management is considered as an integrated part of the Uniform enterprise management system and is built in accordance with the ISO 9001 requirements and ISO 9004 recommendations. Based on specified requirements and recommendations, the principle of "resource" approach is laid into the basis of the personnel management system, according to which the strategic goal of the personnel policy of the enterprise is the increase and rational use of human resources. The main qualitative characteristics of personnel ("components of the resource") are meant by the term "human resource", they directly determine the effectiveness of its activities.

Components of human resources are:

quantity of employees – the degree of consistency of number of personnel with staff list;

working capacity – the ability of an employee to work effectively, which is evaluated by the level of the development of their professional skills, education and training;

labor motivation – the striving of the employee to achieve objectives in view;

the stability of the staff – the constancy of the personnel based on job satisfaction at the company;

cooperation – high level of corporate culture and favorable social-psychological climate.

Thus, the basis of the stated approach is the obvious logic of implementation of the target function of personnel management, according to which recruitment, shift or quit should not only be arranged, but it is necessary to select the right amount of capable workers, to make them interested in the results of the work, to provide personnel professional development and stability and to arrange conditions for the fruitful cooperation.

Priority directions of personnel policy of the enterprise are

  • Personnel searching and selection.
  • Motivation of employees.
  • Personnel development: personnel reserve education and training, personnel assessment.
  • Development of corporate culture.
  • Observance of the rights and ensuring social guarantees of employees in accordance with the requirements of the labor and pension legislation.
  • Maintaining continuity in the work of the personnel by involving young personnel, by the development of mentoring, and strengthening the youth outreach.
  • Systematic work on improvement of working conditions of enterprise employees

Personnel resource

About 80% of employees are highly qualified specialists with higher, secondary and primary professional education, which they have received in the best educational institutions of the country and region, with a big experience of work at the enterprises of nuclear industry.

Personnel searching and selection