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Внимание: осторожно мошенники!

От имени Чепецкого механического завода в адрес предприятий и организаций стали приходить поддельные документы (срочные уведомления, заявки на аукционы и т.п.).

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Пример поддельного документа

Social programs

Social policy of the company comprises the programs and activities aimed at solving the most vital tasks of social development of the staff, improvement of working conditions, and assurance of the social protection of workers.

The company's management considers its main task in the field of social policy to be the creation of conditions for effective work of employees, and their professional growth, provision of opportunities for decent salary and the development of production culture. The steady growth of the production efficiency and labor productivity allows maintaining wages at a high level.

The following socially-orientated measures, complying with requirements of Corporate Social Programs are implemented at CMP, JSC:

  • Voluntary medical insurance of employees;
  • Voluntary insurance against accidents and diseases;
  • Sanatorium-resort treatment of employees and their children, and children's leisure;
  • Aid for workers in the improvement of living conditions;
  • Non-state pension provision;
  • Social support for pensioners, who doesn’t work;
  • Aid for employees;
  • Arrangement of sports and cultural events.
  • Implementation of each of the Corporate Social Program shall be governed by the corresponding internal regulatory act (Statement).

Payments from the Fund of social insurance

Guaranteed benefits for temporary disability, maternity and childbirth, for child care until the child reaches the age of one and a half year, the provision of vouchers to health resorts for employees working in harmful labour conditions; benefits for funeral and other benefits, provided under the regulations of the Fund of social insurance of Russian Federation and the Collective agreement of the enterprise are timely paid from the Fund of social insurance.

Voluntary medical insurance and medical service

Part of the social policy directions of the enterprise is realized in the framework of the comprehensive HEALTH program. Comprehensive HEALTH program aims to reduce the incidence of employees of CMP, JSC. It covers vast majority of areas: improvement of the quality of medical services, work on prevention of diseases through health posts and a polyclinic, vaccination, bringing jobs in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements, implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact of working conditions and the character of the labour process on the health of workers. All employees of CMP pass obligatory initial and periodic medical examination on the basis of medical sanitary station FBUZ MSCH #41 of Russia's Federal Medico-Biological Agency. Computer program "Analytical system of information provision of preventive examination" is used when carrying out of medical examinations, which allows to get a rapid analysis of the results of the examination and to obtain the necessary information for organization of preventive and targeted personnel rehabilitation.

The company has signed contracts with insurance companies: the contract of insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, the contract of voluntary medical insurance.

Every year medical services on contracts for health insurance are provided to employees at the expense of CMP: prosthetic dentistry, expensive diagnostic procedures and operations.

The organization of enterprise employees rest

The company regularly purchases vouchers for recreation and health improvement of employees (including vouchers of "Mother and child" category) in sanatoria and resorts of the Udmurt Republic, Kirov region, in the resorts of the Crimea, Krasnodar region.

Annually summer holidays for children of the employees are organized in summer health improvement camps.

All vouchers for employees of the plant and their children are allocated at reduced cost - from 10% to 20 % of the actual price.

Aid for employees

Employees of the enterprise are rendered the following types of assistance In the framework of the "Provision on assistance to employees of JSC "Chepetsky mechanical plant":

  • Financial assistance at marriage registration (for the first time)
  • Financial assistance at birth (adoption) of a child
  • Additional short paid leave for one day by reason of the death of a family member for the organization of the funeral
  • Financial assistance to employees in case of death of a family member
  • Financial assistance to relatives (family member) of the employee in case of death of the employee
  • Financial assistance to young specialists in employment
  • Financial assistance in case of damage or loss of personal property as the consequence of emergency situations
  • Financial assistance in case of serious illness of an employee
  • Financial assistance in case of serious illness of worker's children
  • Financial assistance to employees –- many-children parents or parents with dependent disabled child (children)

The solution of housing problems of employees

Financial assistance in purchasing permanent housing by workers is performed in order to:

  • attract highly professional specialists and motivate them for the long-term labor at CMP, JSC;
  • motivate the employees to increase efficiency of work;
  • assist in arrangement of living conditions for key personnel of the organization.

The following Provisions are in force at the enterprise:

  • The Regulation “About financial assistance in the purchase of permanent accommodation by employees of JSC "Chepetsky mechanical plan".
  • The Regulation “On procedures of improvement of living conditions of young specialists".

Financial assistance in purchasing the permanent housing by workers is carried out:

  • in the form of compensation of a part of expenses for reimbursing the interest rate on the loan for the improvement of housing conditions to the employee;
  • in the form of interest-free target loan for the down payment on the loan in order to ensure the availability of credit for the improvement of living conditions.

Non-state pension provision

With the purpose of social protection of the employees after their retirement, the company has developed and implemented a system of non-governmental (additional) pension provision. All procedures are regulated by the "Statement on non-state pension provision of employees of CMP, JSC ".

The payment of additional pensions is carried out through two Non-state Pension Funds:

The first National Pension Fund, Moscow, for those who applied for payment of additional pensions until 01.06.2008, the Fund "Atomgarant", Moscow, to those, who apply for payment of additional pensions since 01.06.2008

Employees of the enterprise have the right to receive the payment of additional pensions with the obligatory conditions:

  • quit from the company due to retirement;
  • total period of work at the enterprise not less than 15 years.

For workers who quitted by the reason of retirement after reaching full retirement age until 01.01.2014, financing of APP is funded at the expense of the enterprises, and also at the expense of the income of Non-state Pension Fund from the investment of these funds.

Corporate non-state pension scheme came into effect within a uniform social policy of Rosatom State Corporation in March 2011. The main principles of the corporate pension program are:

  • voluntary participation of the Company's employee in the pension programs based on the joint financing of non-state pension by the employee and the Company taking into account the conditions and limitations established by these Regulations;
  • the addressed and personalized transfer and account of pension contributions of the Company's in favor of Participants of pension schemes;
  • the flexibility of pension savings management by Company's and Participant;
  • ensuring the dependency of the size of the non-state pension on the results of work of employees and length of employment in the Company;
  • the provision of a uniform approach to the assessment of workers' rights for the establishment of non-state pension provision, calculation of amount and order of payment.

At the end of 2011, the number of participants of the corporate program amounted 30% of the number of employees, by the end of 2012 the number of participants has increased up to 34.6 %, and by the end of 2013 amounted to 35.6% of the number of employees.

The collective agreement provides social benefits for young specialists (housing, protection against quit during the first 3 years of work at the enterprise, additional payments when hiring and so on).

Social support for non-working pensioners

The Corporate program of social support for pensioners came into force within a uniform social policy of Rosatom State Corporation in September 2013. Social support for non-working pensioners of CMP, JSC is aimed at:

  • effective solution of personnel issues related to the release of workers of pensionable age;
  • improvement of social protection of former employees of CMP, JSC, who have worked a large part of working life in the industry and have achieved significant success in labour;
  • formation of the commitment of the employees of CMP, JSC with which they are in an employment relationship.

Provision of social support to pensioners is carried out in the following forms:

  • financial support to the pensioner or to the members of his family;
  • congratulation and participation of the pensioner in corporate events, devoted to significant anniversary and celebration dates;
  • lump sum payments to pensioners in connection with the quit by the reason of retirement for the first time.

For the purposes of implementation of the Program a certain status is assigned to employees, who are dismissed in connection with their retirement and to non-working pensioners taking into account the experience of work in the nuclear industry and individual merit: meritorious pensioner of the nuclear industry, and honored pensioner of the nuclear industry.

A wide complex of measures aimed at improving the material provision and social well-being of former workers is implemented in the framework of the program, i.e.:

  • financial assistance in case of serious illness of the pensioner;
  • financial assistance in case of damage or loss of personal property as the result of emergency situations;
  • financial assistance for prosthetic dentistry;
  • financial assistance to the family in case of death of the pensioner;
  • The participation in corporate events, devoted to significant anniversary and celebration dates (anniversary since the Foundation date of the industry, of the Company);
  • The congratulation on corporate anniversary and celebration dates (anniversary since the Foundation of the industry, Foundation of the Company);
  • The congratulation on Victory Day and financial support for pensioners - veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, workers on the home front, citizens who suffered from the Siege of Leningrad;
  • The congratulations with anniversary dates starting from 70 year age with the Day of Elderly People.

The number of non-working pensioners registered in the Council of veterans of JSC "Chepetsky mechanical plant" – amounts approximately 5,400 people.

Organization of sports and cultural events.

Arranging of sports and cultural work in JSC "Chepetsky mechanical plant" is carried out in accordance with the Corporate social program of the organization of sports and cultural events.

Sports and cultural events are aimed at:

  • strengthening the sense of belonging to the industry, the commitment to its traditions and values, increasing the level of involvement of the employees;
  • strengthening the health of employees, promotion of public awareness of healthy lifestyle;
  • familiarizing with achievements of culture, increasing cultural and educational level of employees;
  • arranging the leisure of workers in conditions of limited offer of services market.

Spartakiada Games in 11 kinds of sports, Championships and Cups in the 19 kinds of sports such as athletics, skiing, mini football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis and others) are conducted annually. The company's employees take exrecises in fitness and sports halls of the Sports Health Centre "Rhythm".