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Health protection and labor safety

Functional scheme of the structure of Radiation, Industrial safety, Labor and Environment Protection Service

For implementation of the issues on improvement of workers' health and safety protection the Service of radiation, industrial safety, labour and environment protection was established in accordance with Russian legislation and normative documents at CMP, JSC.

This Service is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise, created on 01.01.2014 by order of the General Director of the enterprise # 19/1648-P from 13.12.2013. Management of activity of SRIS LEP is executed by Deputy Technical Director for safety control – the Head of the Service, who reports directly to the Deputy Director General - Technical Director, in accordance with the approved organizational structure of CMP, JSC.

Service of radiation, industrial safety, labour and environment protection comprises:

  • Department of Labour and industrial Safety Protection;
  • Department of Radiation Safety and Environmental Protection;
  • The group for implementation of the Federal target program for nuclear and radiation safety

Service specialists in their activity are guided by:

  • Applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and the Udmurt Republic;
  • International normative documents;
  • Regulations and guidelines of Federal, Republican and local authorities, including the Charter about discipline of employees of companies with extra dangerous production in the field of application of atomic energy";
  • The Charter of CMP, JSC;
  • Decisions of the General meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors of the company;
  • Code of corporate ethics and conduct of CMP, JSC;
  • Orders of Management of CMP, JSC;
  • Orders of the Deputy General Director - Technical Director;
  • Orders of the Heads of functional departments on the issues of their competence;
  • Applicable local regulations, approved plans and schedules of works at the company.

The Service of radiation, industrial safety, labour and environment protection:

  • executes tasks on arrangement and coordination of works on providing the safe working conditions in the field of labour protection, industrial and radiation safety, and environmental protection at the enterprise.
  • carries out control of the state of labour protection, industrial and radiation safety, environmental protection at the company and control of observance of legal rights and interests of workers.
  • develops and ensures functioning of the "System of labour protection management at CMP, JSC" and industrial safety, occupational health and safety management system, quality management system, and environmental management system.
  • provides effective interaction of structural subdivisions of the enterprise and individual performers on the implementation of operative regulation of their work.
  • defines and sets goals and objectives for the community of the enterprise, defines directions, optimal ways and means of their implementation on safety ensuring.
  • provides methodological guideline of the structural subdivisions of the company on the activity issues.
  • monitors the implementation of the rules of the internal labour schedule, requirements of labour protection, industrial, fire and radiation safety, quality management system, environmental protection, health and safety, normative-legal acts to the full extent, the force of which covers the activities of CMP, JSC.
  • organizes the performance of manufacturing inspection.

Certificate for the managment system

Health and safety policies